Articles from Alexis

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The allergy superbloom is here

Hi Friend, Here in California it feels like it was winter one day, and summer the next. I think we might have skipped spring altogether! Maybe that

A new definition of health

HEALTH: | helTH | noun the state of being free from illness or injury Friend, Is that definition of health sufficient? I think not! Health is so

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Connecting with your teenager

There’s a school break coming up. Your teenagers will be home all day long! They might wake up before noon! Let’s make the best of

Menopause webinar recording available!

New class: Optimizing perimenopause; naturopathy and homeopathy for a balanced, symptom-free life transition. Menopause is sometimes a smooth and easy transition of life. Many times,

Menstrual health webinar recording

Dear Friends and Clients, The webinar I gave on menstrual health with my friend and colleague Sangita Pedro,ND is available on my class recordings page. 

Back to School Book Review

Dear Friends and Clients, Looking for a good read? This is my Back to School Book Review, just in time for Labor Day weekend! The

Thyroid webinar recording available

Dear Friends and Clients, The webinar I gave on Thyroid Health with my friend and colleague Sangita Pedro,ND is now available on my webinar recordings