Homeopathy at home: a short list of what you need

Hi friend,

I know when I started getting interested in homeopathy I didn’t know where to start. Here are some tips on how to get started, where to get what you need and the best resources for treating your family. Keep it simple and stay healthy!


Where should you buy remedies? Whole Foods is a fine source for remedies, but I really love Hahnemann Labs. They are a local Bay Area small business, and have exceptional quality standards. I’ve been to their facility and watched remedies get made! They have 52,000 remedies that you can order online, and useful kits of remedies to make your life one-click easy. I especially like the Home Remedy Kit with 35 of the most commonly used remedies.

Practical advice

We all need practical tips and reminders when we are looking for the right remedy to give. I love my books on homeopathy, just ask my husband. I’ve got a whole wall of homeopathy books that like to crowd out his submarine books! One of my favorites is Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathy by Dana Ullman. Also,I have written a booklet called Homeopathy for Everyone, which you can download by clicking here! It’s a short, practical guide outlining the steps of taking a case, choosing a remedy, and how to know when to switch remedies.


Whether you are brand new to homeopathy, or a seasoned home practitioner, everyone can use a refresher. I have recordings of homeopathy webinars on my website, covering various topics that will help you understand homeopathy, remedies and specific women’s health topics. This page is always changing as I add more webinars. Join me today!
I can’t wait for you to get started with homeopathy!

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