Articles from Alexis

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The allergy superbloom is here

Hi Friend, Here in California it feels like it was winter one day, and summer the next. I think we might have skipped spring altogether! Maybe that

A new definition of health

HEALTH: | helTH | noun the state of being free from illness or injury Friend, Is that definition of health sufficient? I think not! Health is so

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Back to school at any age

Hey Friend, Happy August! School is about to start! Got kids in pre-school? Kids in elementary? Kids starting high school? Maybe you have kids you’re

A homeopathic travel guide

Hi Friend, There are three remedies I carry in my purse at all times; Apis, Aconite and Arnica. When I go on vacation, I add

The allergy superbloom is here

Hi Friend, Here in California it feels like it was winter one day, and summer the next. I think we might have skipped spring altogether!

A new definition of health

HEALTH: | helTH | noun the state of being free from illness or injury Friend, Is that definition of health sufficient? I think not! Health

Alexis White ima

We have the power to change our health

Hi Friend, There are so many choices for your healthcare. Different modalities and styles of practice. In person and telemedicine. Conventional or alternative practitioners. It