Children’s health part 3: depression and irritability

We all want our children to be happy. I just completed a parent course on the topic of success, and I found that how we define and perceive success is directly related to how happy we end up being, and the same is true for our children. It is difficult to have a child who just isn’t happy. Some kids feel victimized, others don’t have much joy, others have low self-esteem. It affects the whole family to have one member who doesn’t enjoy things, either in an active or a passive way. Changing expectations for success, strengthening family bonds, and creating special family moments are all things that can help make a change, but sometimes more is needed. Here is the story of one of my patients who suffered from feeling less than everyone else.

This young boy had been unhappy most of his life. Very little made him happy, and most things made him upset. He couldn’t tolerate singing, laughing, eye contact, too many people, too much noise or strangers. He dictated his discontent by crying and screaming, which was impossible for the parents to ignore. When he was alone with his parents in a quiet and low stimulation environment, he was sweet and cheerful. However, his moods could change suddenly and he could switch from cheerful to angry and upset with any wrong move. This was hellish for the parents and siblings, who felt their lives were spent catering to his needs. Or if they didn’t, he was miserable and made everyone else miserable. As he got older, he could talk about how he felt, and he seemed to think that everyone was doing things to him on purpose, and that everyone else was to blame. He felt very victimized, isolated and friendless. All this in spite of resourceful, resilient (though tired) parents. With a homeopathic remedy matched to his state of depression and sensitivity, that had the feeling of being victimized and friendless, his outlook on life completely changed. This boy, who could not tolerate people singing and laughing, started singing along to music in the car, and laughing at funny things, even at himself! He became more energetic and participatory, and most important of all, he started enjoying life and making close friends.

Homeopathy seeks to bring about a balance from the deepest part of a person’s being. It can act very quickly and deeply to bring about changes holistically that can change a person’s mood and behavior, to the benefit of everyone, especially the child who is suffering. Homeopathy can help depression by addressing the deeper underlying issue that gives rise to the depression and bring about balance in the mental and emotional health of your child. Here are some pictures of common remedies used in these cases. As always, this is a snapshot, and you should not attempt to treat your own child in these cases. Please contact a qualified homeopath.

Natrum Muriaticum:
With this remedy, we often see a reserved and introverted person, and severe depression with spells of irritableness and crossness, and a feeling of isolation. This remedy has a sensitivity to loss of relationships, whether it is through death, divorce or a broken heart. There is a lot of grief, and dwelling on unpleasant memories. Sometimes you might see that a person has not recovered since a grief experience, even if it was years in the past. People who need this remedy can hold a grudge for years. They are easily offended and revengeful. They get stuck in a moment of time and can’t move forward, replaying old events in their mind and keeping their feelings inside. Natrum muriaticum patients often crave salty foods, suffer from migraines, cold sores and insomnia.

Magnesium Muriaticum:
This remedy is closely related to Nat-mur, and also has a strong tendency toward depression. If you look at a periodic table, you will see that Magnesium is just next door to Natrum (sodium), and that both have the cation of muriaticum (chlorine). Mag-mur has its own unique picture, which is a look of long-suffering and sourness, along with fatigue and weakness. The person needing this remedy has an intolerance for quarreling, and children who get upset by their parents fights often need this remedy. To compensate, they become peacemakers, hoping to stop fights before they begin. This remedy has a feeling of being friendless, as if he does not fit into any group, which is very lonely. They are overly sensitive to noise, and other stimulation, which makes them irritable. Commonly, there is an intolerance to milk, and a feeling of being very unrefreshed by sleep.

With this remedy is made from gold, which is a heavy metal. Because it has that energetic heaviness, you see a picture of severe depression, and very deep states of emotional distress. There is usually an element of responsibility, and the heaviness of their duty. Fear of failure can often aggravate the feelings of depression. There can be a side to this person that appears very energized and efficient, while the heaviness remains hidden. Most often, there is a spiritual aspect to the Aurum picture, that comes as a tendency to prayer or meditation. People needing this remedy also commonly have trouble with insomnia, waking in the middle of the night unable to get back to sleep, and deep bone pains. This remedy has the potential to cure very severe states of depression.

This little tiny moss was, in its heyday, a huge towering plant. It has a memory of being important, and now it is just a little tiny, insignificant moss. This change in Lycopodium’s physical presence serves to explain the low self-esteem and low self-confidence of this remedy state. Lycopodium has a marked feeling of inferiority that he is constantly trying to overcome. There can be depression and anxiety along with this, with a kind of intellectual reserve. Usually Lycopodium children are very shy, with an inner sense of weakness and without the usual child-like stamina. they can be quite cautious and “intellectual”, but sometimes they are rude and bossy with their parents. Lycopodium typically suffers from gastro-intestinal problems; ravenous appetite, eats one bite and is full, bloating and gas much worse from eating, and a craving for sweets.

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